I finished up the power brakes this past weekend ...scounged the lines (from a 1975 Blazer in the local junkyard) and paid $300 for new front brake hoses to the front discs and new master cylinder proportioning valve and booster. Here how it looks (not a pretty motor but it runs great)
Now the car stops straight, even with no hands on the wheel. Need very little pedal to stop now too. My wife and kids could drive it now. Before it would violently shift to the left with the drums and the weak front end. It just wasnt safe. The 2 1/2 inch droppped spindles and the standard springs give it a very subtle but still streetable rake. There are no front end noises now either. I decided to mount the proportioning valve on the left crossmember on the frame under the motor. It allowed for the easiest plumbing of the master cylinder with the stock lines from the mid-1970s truck and the cleanest installation. I even used the factory line clamp that bolts to the top of the left frame. Notice the totally rebuilt front end (new springs, balljoints and steering components)
AND NOW SPECIFICALLY FOR RENE A SNEEK PEAK....I had bought 6 lug wheels (slot mags) 15 x 8s 4 for $100. They were real old and oxidized. I first washed a rim with oven cleaner and a scrub brush. Then I thoroughly rinsed it off, then used 120 grit paper and lots of elbow grease to sand out 90% of the machined lines in the wheel, then I used 240 paper dry, then 320 paper dry, then 500 grit wet paper and then cut the wheel with brown rouge on a cutting 8 inch wheel and a 3500 rpm Makita polisher and then polished the wheel with white rouge and a polishing wheel. This was my first attempt and for you polishing purists this is far from perfect, but I did it myself and am happy with the results