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Old 11-09-2003, 02:28 PM   #20
Half a bubble off!
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Winfield, Ks, USA
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Thanks for posting the pics Phillip, and you can buy anything you want, screw the little twits! You're right about the fact that there are too many know-it-all teenagers around here, but in a free and open forum, it comes with the territory. I've had a few of them piss me off too, but I get my satisfaction knowing that everyone else that reads their dribble gets to shake his head and think "what a little fool that kid is". Every adult can relate to the most common observation about teenagers, They Know It All.
Just ignore them and don't let a few posts get under your skin, and remember, most of us like having you around, and hope you will stay. We'll never get rid of the kids, but it is real easy to ignore them. And they're not all bad either, some of them are here to learn, and smart enough to do so.
Just call me LB.
'71 Cheyenne, 402BB, hauls blondes, brunettes, or redheads.
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