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Old 02-21-2013, 04:26 PM   #161
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Re: 68 C10 SBSS build - start to finish

Originally Posted by Hart_Rod View Post
Nice job on the truck Vic! Did you fix the vibration? If so, what was the culprit?
Thanks! Yes, the vibration is gone. Both axle tubes in the rearend were bent and had to be straightened, but I believe the thing that helped the most was installing the QA1 shocks in a vertical position. Prior to that, the shocks were laid back nearly horizontal and had little, if any, control. The difference in ride quality before and after was surprising. There was a tiny bit of vibe left after all the rearend work, but I found one of the front A-arm adjusters was backed off several rounds. Apparently, the tech failed to tighten it during the last alignment. After cinching it down, it drove nice and smooth the 15 miles to and from the car show.
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