It looks like Vic and I are going to work out a deal on his 67' Stepside bed because he wants a fleetside bed on his truck.
Although it's a pretty solid old bed it's got some issues like the P.O. tried to french in some tail lights so we are going to cut them out and restore the original contour of the fender, then hand dolly/pull out any dents in the fenders, straighten out the bedsides, and header panel, primer it and seal it with some krylon rust tough and call it a done deal.
The bed needs a couple of cross sills and the tailgate is shot so I will head to LMC and buy those.
With Vics metal working skills that bed will be awesome when hes done with it.
Vic doesn't know this yet but hes going to have to patch the front fender marker light holes to match the 67' rear fender surprise!