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Old 02-22-2013, 12:57 AM   #1
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87 Silverado with wrong shift indicator

I'm going to need a bit of help here. I picked up a 87 tbi silverado a few months back and I've been having to go over all the previous owner's "fixes"

Stripped starter bolt, doorbell bolted onto the steering wheel for a horn button, 18 holes drilled on one bedside to put on the bed rails, etc.

The latest thing I'm trying to tackle is the steering column assembly. The truck is a 4spd auto and the shift indicator is off a 3spd model. I can't put it off anymore because I literally have to grab on to the shift lever and really put as much weight as I can to get it to get out of park. It's a straight down motion too. If I try to do the proper motion the shift lever ends up getting jammed against the steering wheel. I'm also having to really push up on it when I park it to turn it off or otherwise the key won't go back to the neutral position and stays stuck on the accessory position.

For the first time I don't even know what part needs getting fixed Can anybody help?
1978 stepside C10 build:
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