Originally Posted by piecesparts
If you crawl underneath and loosen the slide bolt on the shift linkage, you can adjust that shifter problem. Get with GM or go to LMC and get the 4-speed tranny indicator and it can be changed out easily. Life is a big "B" if you miss the obvious. I did have a tranny change out in my truck, but I later went to a floor shifter for my tranny, so that I would not put the truck in reverse when I should not.
Get a helicoil and replace the starter bolt issue in an afternoon.
Thanks, much appreciated. I've never messed with this part of vehicles and didn't know if it was something inside the column or what the deal was.
The starter was the first thing I fixed. I was initially going to stack washers or replace the solenoid, but the starter seemed to be on it's way out anyway so I replaced it all together.
I already put in a new window motor (that wasn't fun) but can't find the original style pinch clips so I'm going to have to go another route.
I'm picking parts off my old 84 and going to replace the steering wheel.
Here's some pics of what I'm talking about
The bed rails were a PIA to remove, all different types of nuts and bolts, self tapping metal screws and some really rusted out. I had to bust out the grinder for a couple of them:
It's ugly. 18 holes just on the right bed side.