.... I was wondering if there are any more of us from this side 'of the pond'?
I've been lurking on here looking at the great rides you guys have and trying to do some research as i've got my eyes set on a '66, short bed, step side thats for sale over here.
I've always had aircooled VWs, various beetles, campers and a type 3 squareback. A few years ago I chopped the roof off my very first beetle (owned it for over 20 odd years!) and welded the doors shut and built a roofless roadster, I sold it last summer to make some room so that I could convert my garage into a gym and workshop as i'm teaching myself how to pinstripe. A couple of years ago I defected the VW scene and bought myself a '64 Volvo Amazon, its subtly lowered, wide steel rims, whitewall tyres, later 2ltr twin carb engine, etc etc. but i've always wanted a pick up and the owner of the '66 step side is willing to do a part ex with me. So fingers crossed it happens.
Sorry for waffling on and well done if you've read this far!
Im sure if I get the 66 i'll be posting up some real dumb arse questions etc so please bear with me! This forum seems alot more laid back than a lot of car related ones that I post on.
So anyway