Little late due to computer problems but I took the truck to her first Car Show! The Annual Classics by the bay, looks like a great day but it was cold... even for miami was 45 when we first rolled in. I was probly the rattiest truck there (no rat rods showed at all, and everyone elses car/truck was in pristine condition) But like a few guys mentioned my truck got in the line up when other people didn't even show up. Only 60-66 truck in the whole place! BOOM! First picture is the truck inbetween a buddies bagged 95 (he used to work there so they let him slide the truck in

) and a 63 Belair. The other one is a little thing they give you for being in the show. wish I had taken more pictures of all the cars/trucks. Oh well, next time. Had Awsome time can't wait for another one...