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Old 02-24-2013, 05:10 PM   #1
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Will a 1994 and up bed fit on a 1993 frame

I know it will fit with modification but I want to know if it will fit without modification to the frame or bed. I know this is a odd question but I am putting a 1993 S10 frame under my 1946 truck cab. I need a bed floor and want to go with the stock S10 style bed floor in my 46 style bed like the guy did here I have not cut any of the original bed mounts off of the frame yet and thought that if I went with a 93 and older bed it should bolt right up. Since they are older, beat up and rusty, I thought I would check on the newer style beds. I know several things are the same with the frames between the years so I thought maybe I could luck out and the rear frames and bed mounts would be also. If someone has pictures of the rear frame of a 94-up S10 and can post them or give me the link to where to find them, I might be able to just compare. Thanks for any help or advise.
Note: All parts I have for sale are also for sale locally.

I currently own: 1940 Chevy Fire truck (project), 1946 Chevy truck (project), 1946 Chevy 1 Ton pick up, 1953 Chevy school bus (storage area), 1968 Chevy C10 (I have drove for 26 years), 1994 Chevy C2500 (daily driver), 2005 GMC crew cab K2500 (parts hauler) and more trucks for parts.
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