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Old 02-24-2013, 08:28 PM   #7
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Posts: 75
Re: how to engage starter pinion?

Ok, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, but the bendix drive did not come out when I hooked up power to the solenoid post.

So what I did so far was, I unbolted the large lug that accepts the positive battery cable, I unbolted the other large lug that has the short wire from started motor to solenoid, and also unbolted the ignition wire. I connected the small terminal on solenoid to the positive post on the battery by way of a single 10 gauge wire with alligator clips. I have 2 large lugs and 1 small terminal on my starter. The actual battery cable was not hooked up to starter at all, just the 10 gauge. The starter does work fine when wired up.
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