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Old 02-25-2013, 09:13 AM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Lionville, PA
Posts: 5
New Guy - '61 Apache

I've been lurking and getting information here for a while so I figured I'd introduce myself. I've got a bunch of muscle cars - do most work myself (except bodywork and paint).

I've been working on '61 Apache for a while when I have downtime between other projects - I bought it a couple of years ago. Originally a 6 cylinder but previous owner installed a 305. Floors were pretty bad so I welded in new floors - also rewired everything with a an American Autowire harness. - Just getting everything back together now. I hope to get this back on the road before my other project ('60 Corvette Restomod) returns from body shop. I don't think I'll do anything with body on this one- just get this on the road and enjoy it.

By chance I watched the movie Billy Jack this weekend - not a great flick, but the truck appears identical to mine.

Anyway, here it is.... Not quite concourse, but nice "Patina"...

My Photo Stream-335 by rbonitz2000, on Flickr

My Photo Stream-327 by rbonitz2000, on Flickr
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