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Old 02-25-2013, 01:30 PM   #11
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Re: Cragar Delux...any pictures of them on a AD?

Originally Posted by LEEVON View Post
Been on for almost three years now, but the truck is still unfinished although the bed is now done. I painted them 1966 GM marina blue from some leftover paint I had laying around, and added bullet lug nuts and "shannon cones" and of course the Diamondback tires. I originally purchased some expensive spider caps, but didn't like the fit. The engine block is the same color and the interior will have blue/grey/black/white.

I bought them through Summit, which ended up being a little frustrating because they upcharged quite a bit for "custom backspacing". Operating on a hunch, I called Cragar and literally in two phone transfers I was talking with the guy in the plant, who is taking orders and making the wheels. He says, nope I'm looking at a stack of cores right here...every wheel is custom! I tried to explain this to Summit, but apparently custom backspacing is anything not listed on the website, go figure so I had to pay up. Anyhow, I like them because they're simple, cheap and round. The round part is important because a majority of the original wheels are actually out of round, damaged, and getting much harder to find. I caught alot of crap over on the HAMB about these, I could care less because they work for me! Did I mention made in the USA?

Oh yeah, I plan on having a few white pinstripes added similar to the original wheels.
Seeing your wheels on your build it what put them on my radar. Looks great. simple clean and perfect for what I am looking for.

Best of all.....USA made, and cheap. $57 each from Summit or Jegs.
1949 Chevy 3600

"Adventures of Henry"
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