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Old 02-25-2013, 10:33 PM   #1
The Grinnin Possum
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Rear disc brake conversion 4x4 blazer 1972

Alright I know this subject has been hit on before but hopefully somebody will be helped by this thread in the future.

First, I have done searches on this page for conversions and almost all threads were not for blazers. So the first question comes up.

I talked SSBC brakes today and they have kits that will work on 73-87 trucks but they say that they will not and they do not make kits for 67-72 blazers. Confused me, so I called again and their expert told me the same thing again. "They do not make a kit for a 1972 4x4 blazer" and that the 73-87 kits will not work.

Is he wrong?

1) Will the kits for 73-87 fit 67-72? I have a 12bolt rear end 6 lug.

2) 4X4 and 2wd kits the same?

3) Who has done it? (year specific please) Best kit?

I would like to find one that has everything brakes, calipers, brake lines, master cylinder, booster, and proportioning valve. If not, I'll make do.

4) Suppliers?
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