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Old 03-04-2013, 10:47 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Brooklyn, Nova Scotia
Posts: 4
'70s-'80s "GM" (Mark of Excellence) Mudflaps

Hello gang! Greetings from Nova Scotia, Canada. My brother and I are GM nuts wjth a real passion for full size cars and '73-'87 trucks. One of our current toys is a '75 Chevrolet Class A Motorhome built in Ontario by the Bendix coupe on a 1 or 1 & 1/2 ton GM chassis with a 454. Have been desperately trying to find a set of what we believe to be '70s and maybe '80s dealer-option Mudflaps for it, with white "GM" logo on them. I've been hunting for a year now, and a Kijiji ad landed me a set of 4 for single rear wheel trucks.

Of course, what I really needed was a set for a dually. This thread serves two purposes:

First, hopefully answering my questions regarding these cool flaps: were they dealer options? Licensed aftermarket accessories? The ones I found were stamped "made in canada" ... We're they even available in the states?

Secondly, I would've posted in the parts section, but being a new member, I wasn't permitted to do so. Even being pointed in the right direction would be a help.

Here's a link to my kijiji ad, so you can see exactly what I'm referring to. We used to see so many of these around when we were kids.. Wish we had had the foresight to buy some sets a couple years ago.

Hope this isn't a weird or bothersome post. Figured this forum would be a good bet to contact some people with similar interests. All the best!

Shoot me an email if you like!

Josh Noiles
NS, Canada
Posted via Mobile Device

Last edited by N2TRUX; 03-06-2013 at 11:11 AM. Reason: Forgot link.
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