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Old 03-05-2013, 04:15 PM   #27
Certified Car Nut
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Re: Inner cab Corners true purpose

Originally Posted by thump16 View Post
Kabwe, I was going back to look at your roof replacement build. I admit I was nervous about digging into my truck to make repairs but the more I browsed on the site and the web, I found trucks worse than mine being brought back to life. Now if I can just stop buying stuff. Hope to have the back half ready to tack in by next friday. Only 50 more days until I officially stop working for the Air force then Final retirement in Aug. 20yrs, 11 months and 7 days!!!!!!
Yeah my truck was a mess but there is no need to be nervous, metal is quite forgiving. You are doing a massive about of work so I understand, but you can do it buddy. BTW my brother is retired Air Force. Congrats on your retirement, I can't wait until I get there time to really work on cars at that point.

Originally Posted by dwcsr View Post
I agree that the top of the corner adds no strength to the corner and should be covered . What I meant was the the bottom where the outer and inner are spot welded together the two make the corner stronger. Much like a box has more sideways strength than a straight piece of paper. But again we don't use these trucks as farm and off road so I don't think a full inner is absolutely necessary.

You can disagree with me and it won't hurt my feelings you do/have done some very nice fab work so I have no argument in you disagreeing with me at all,,,,As long as you agree that I'm right
I will agree that you are right quite often. Is that good

Last edited by Kabwe; 03-05-2013 at 08:57 PM.
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