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Old 03-05-2013, 06:41 PM   #16
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Location: Ozark, MO
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Re: 1 Owner 1976 SWB

Dang you move quick! I had already formulated a plan for you when I looked at the first pic...then I read down to your plan and you're in luck because I now approve so you may move forward!

That truck with the tweed interior and the father/son connection reminds me of a sad story unfortunately, I hope you don't mind if I share. A friend of mine and his Dad built several trucks. One was a square body in the pastel color and tweed interior time period. Their body shop has several magazine cover builds, to give you an idea. Anyway, Jason passed away in a tragic accident when we were in college and I keep in touch with his family. His dad couldn't stand the sight of the square body but couldn't bear the thought of getting rid of it either so he decided to have it literally built into the barn. It been sitting inside of 4 walls with no doors or light, under cover for probably 10 years now. A teal '78-ish swb with grey tweed interior.
'86 GMC C30 Crew ~ '86 C20 Crew ~ '79 K15 Sierra Grande ~ '76 Blazer 2wd ~ '74K10 ~ '71 Cheyenne swb ~'50 3100 bagged ~ '80 Wife ~ Late model kids

Last edited by LEEVON; 03-05-2013 at 06:50 PM.
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