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Old 03-06-2013, 06:28 PM   #13
Maintenance Man
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Phoenix, AZ US
Posts: 213
Re: '67 SWB C10 "Spot" (finally)

Real quick little update, y'all. I've decided to paint the truck "War Bonnet Yellow".

The color is from a 1971-1972 Corvette, and is basically a color equivalent to "Harvest Gold Metallic" with a little bit more yellow and metal flake in it.

Thinking about possible front end paint treatments, to include either SS stripes, an RS stripe or a combination of the two (Foose did something similiar on one of the Overhaulin' builds some time ago.) Not commited to any of these other than the body color yet.

Interior will be black with 70-71 CST style door panels and Corbeau seats. I'll probably build my own console to make it look at least somewhat like the console that the 68 came with.

New additions not covered in any pictures so far: Blazer tank install, Shaved 1967 cab, new I/O fenders, new rad support, F/R Sway bar install (link style), New auto tilt column, and all new OE style wiring harnesses for the front half of the truck.

New updates are going to be few and far between after this for a while guys, I'm in the process of moving out of my house this week and will be moving temporarily back to North Central Texas (Mineral Wells, for those of you who know where that is) for a few months in order to deal with family estate issues.

Just FYI, I was medically retired from the military after 16+ years on 01 March (heart condition - CAD that caused a mild heart attack) and will be medically retired from the Federal Technician program whenever OPM (kinda like HRO for all the Government Employees) gets around to processing the paperwork. When your Doc tells you that your LDL cholestorol is bad, pay attention!
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