Originally Posted by Oilbrnr
Same thing happened on my '77. The original owner drilled about eight holes evenly (seems like of couple of them strategically to clear stuff on the back of the panel) and then used small pan head machine screws and nuts. When I redid the window channels and wing vent on the passenger side, I had a number of nice countersunk SS bolts with nyloc nuts that I used to replace them with. I aligned the Phillips pattern to match that scroll and from a short distance away, they are very unnoticeable, esp. since they are now flush. I plan on duplicating this on the driver side door here shortly when I get enough energy up to tackle that damn vent.
So, you're going to use manual inserts to run power windows? If so, does the switch escutcheon cover the hole?
That seams like a logical solution that would still look nice? Do you have a picture?
Yes, I plan on using manual inserts on power doors, I originally bought these panels for a set of manual doors I had but found these that are power and in much better shape. The power switch will cover the hole and if you look under the insert the door panel is molded with a support so they can be either manual or electric, just have to cut the holes.