Having trouble decoding my VIN.
I am having a hard time finding the rest of the info to complete breaking down the vin on my 84 K30. I am good until I get to the 9th 10th and 11th designation. All the tags say turn over to other side for info but I can not find the other side of the vin breakdown chart. Also when I try to run the whole vin on other sites it says that it is invalid. I have checked it three times. So this is what I got. 1GBHK34W BUT when I get the next three 2EV I dont know what they are. The last six are just the sequence number.
I am trying to get the vin# straight so I can track down the previous title holder and see about getting a title for it since I bought it without one. The vin tag is kind of hard to see. I was wanting to run the vin to make sure it came up with the right year and everything before I pursue the title. Can someone help me here.