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Old 03-07-2013, 01:53 PM   #9
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Re: DIY Converting Alternators

Originally Posted by 54blackhornet View Post
Vette Vet, A close friend who ran a automotive electrical shop for 45 years and is still working at 82 told me that upgrading from an external regulator is not needed ? He noted a lack of proper charging at times ? If properly working the factory set up works just fine? Please settle this debate once and for all....Thanks
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Not to speak for VetteVet, but your friend, I believe, is right. I don't think anyone has said that this is a REQUIRED upgrade. It is simply HOW you run an internally regulated alternator, vs. the externally regulated ones that were stock on these trucks.

They still sell the external voltage regulators for these trucks....I've seen em in a catalog or online somewhere. And I guess they still sell alternators that are externally regulated. So you could restore your electrical in a way that is totally stock if you wanted to. But I think a lot of folks just want the cleaner install, and maybe a more powerful system if they have a lot of accessories (power windows, bags, etc..), and this thread and others like it are HOW you do that......if you WANT to.
1972 Chevy C-10, SWB, Fleet, 350/350, PS, PB, HEI, mostly stock, Survivor.
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