Originally Posted by ChevyCruizer
pull number 1 spark plug (drivers side near radiator)
place finger or thumb over spark plug hole (not inside it if you have tiny fingers).
use 5/8 inch socket (on crank center bolt) and slowly turn engine over until you start to feel compression (will want to blow finger off of hole) It will turn easier if other spark plugs are removed or if you have a trusted assistant they can slowly crank the engine over with the key. I suggest you remove the power wire from the coil to make sure it doesnt start.
Now you are close. What I do from here is place the tip of a screwdriver into the spark plug hole and keep one hand on the screwdriver and use the afore mentioned 5/8 on the crank and feel the piston move up, then plateau (stay the same) then start to drop. Go right in the middle and this will be TDC on the compression stroke. See if you marks on the balancer and timing pointer are aligned to 0 or TDC. I suggest you paint the mark on the balancer white with paint, chaulk, etc. (Install a pointer or a guage that aligns with your balancer mark.)
Remember this is a 4 cycle engine and if you dont feel compression then you are most likely 180 degrees out of phase and need to go around on the crank one more time.
Now this next part is trick...
One I get TDC as stated above I check to make sure my mark on the balancer and timing pointer are aligned. If they are correct I manually place the balancer to the 8 degrees before and then install the distributor with the rotor pointed at number 1 cylinder. Now I keep the dist lock down loose and apply power to the coil (either with jumper wire or turn key to run position) and hook up number 1 sparkplug but keep the plug removed and grounded and move the dist back and fourth quickly and see the spark. You can then feel the point where it is firing by finding the middle of the back and fourth motion. One you have it close you can snug down the dist and install everything else. Now if everything else is correct you will start right up and your base timing will be very close to where you set the balancer with the pointer (8 degrees before).
I worked at a speed shop when I was 17 (40 now) and an old timer showed this to me and I use it every time I set up a dist.
Thanks, John
I agree! The find TDC and move the distributor trick is really good. An old mechanic showed it to me and I have used it many times to get an engine running. I hope whoever built the engine put the timing chain on correctly.
If you don't have a tab, they can be purchased separately in chrome. Sounds like you have a chrome cover that was made for different sized balancers and they did not install the tab (it just shares 2 of the cover bolts).