Re: Does anyone have any experience with Headman headers?
ive have installed several sets and i am very pleased with the quality vs the price.. even a few small clearance dents wont cost any noticeable power loss. best way is to heat red with the torch and use a ball peen hammer and patiently tap away. hedmans almost come with paper gaskets.. do your self a favor and buy some metallic ones or if you want the ultimate buy copper. a heat sheild around the starter is easy to do and is worth the insurance policy imo. As far as flanges go ball and socket is very nice and they do not leak, every set of hedmans i have bought with traditional 3 bolt flanges had 1/4 inch flanges, if you do end up with a set of these 3 bolt flat flanges do yourself favor and replace both sides with 3/8" flanges... they are much less likely to warp and leak and i have had some very succesful seals with 3/8 flat flanges i have installed in the past. again stay away from paper gaskets.
on the flip side you could run your existing headers and buy new flanges and weld them on.