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Old 03-10-2013, 07:03 PM   #1
Dude...I'm a CHICK
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Fuel pump questions

Many of you know Ive had ISSUES with my truck starting. Well I have a date with the auto fix it guy right after spring break to get the issues (hopefully) fixed. She has been sitting for quite some time, so my son and I go to try to get it started in preparation for the trip to see the auto fix it guy and th battery is beyond dead. New battery. Plenty of fire, now it acts like its not getting fuel. I prime the carb, it tries to start, but once the donor furl is burnt, nothing. Here are my questions. How much gas are ya supposed to use when priming the carb and how many times should I try this before enough is enough? Other question, can my fuel pump go bad from just sitting? If this might be the case, can check it without removing it? Thanks in advance for your help. I got most of the interior done today, so it wasnt a total loss, but now Im aggrivated cause I cant get her to start. Thanks yall

oxox junk
"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates

'71 GMC Suburban 4x4

Last edited by GMCjunkie; 03-10-2013 at 08:25 PM.
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