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Old 03-11-2013, 12:32 AM   #1
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Opinions on Engine Color? Orange or Gold

Hey everyone.

I'm rebuilding my engine and trying to decide on what color to paint it.

I'm leaning toward Chevy Orange, but I keep having a thought in the back of my mind about Olds Gold/Gold metallic.

The truck is Med Gold. If/when I ever paint the truck, it will be gold-ish, but not necessarily this exact color. Since I have a 1-year old, I'm not planning to jump into any body/paint work any time soon.

If it matters, I'm probably going to go with an aluminum or chrome intake and chrome valve covers and air cleaner. Other components will either be black (AC, PS, pulleys, brackets) or chrome (alternator).

On one hand, I don't see how I can go wrong with factory Chevy orange.

On the other, I don't know that I'd say orange is the best color to go with the gold color of the truck. A gold engine would look a little more custom. But there's always the thought that a gold engine will get lost in the engine bay, and since I'm not painting the engine and truck at the same time, they won't be a perfect color match.

Whenenver I mention possibly painting the engine gold, people look at me like I'm crazy.

Thanks for your opinions!

Pic of truck:

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