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Old 03-11-2013, 12:40 AM   #5
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Re: 66 c10 electrical/cluster q's

The easiest way is to take the end off the trans and attach it to a drill and see if the speedo moves.
Will give this a try thanks!

Your fuel gauge is probably the float inside the tank. It works off of electrical resistance and when there is more room for it to bob around more plus it being old and worn I'm sure there's slop.
Is it fixed by replacing the float or adjusting somehow?

As far as your temp goes you'll have to check that wire for shorts. If you don't find any then it's probably the sensor. It works off of resistance as well. The hotter it gets the more resistance and that's what the needle shows you translated into temperature.
Ill try this thanks.

Unfamiliar with the tandem lock sorry.
I searched and found this thread, but again the solution was an incorrectly inserted bulb, which for me isnt the issue. I wonder if removing the bulb is a good idea?
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