Is there a holy grail thread for shortening lwb to swb frame
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03-11-2013, 09:00 AM
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Re: Is there a holy grail thread for shortening lwb to swb frame
I agree with TX firefighter 100%. I researched and researched the "best way" and like you I came up with three different "best ways". I happen to live in the RV capitol of the world and I made it a point to look at many frames and chassis everything from class A's to big rigs extended for sleepers. Everyone I saw was straight cut and plated. If its good enough for them!
I straight cut mine. welded on a diamond plate on the inside of the frame. Then took the section I cut out, and made a outside support that I bolted on. bracing the side, top and bottom. Plus I made it where the fuel tank brackets bolt to either side of my splice. Im no engineer but Im confident It aint going anywhere.
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