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Old 03-11-2013, 11:03 AM   #3
The Older Generation

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Re: Shifting problem in manual 3 speed

Another problem is the shift tube inside the column, it gets dry and/or the old grease gets stiff. Put the shift lever in neutral and spray some PB Blaster, Liquid Wrench, or something similar (not WD-40) into the steering column, where the shift lever goes in. Don't be afraid to give it a good dousing. After you spray it pull the shift lever up toward you and push it back down toward the dash. The knob should move up and down a couple of inches. Do this 4 or 5 times. This will help free up any sticking in the shift lever tube. The reason the shift lever moves up and down is to engage the two different gates, one for first and reverse and one for second and third.

As Shyguy says, spray the linkage and levers at the bottom of the column and trans linkage under the hood.


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Last edited by LockDoc; 03-11-2013 at 06:38 PM.
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