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Old 03-11-2013, 07:41 PM   #18
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Re: Opinions on Engine Color? Orange or Gold

Paint it whatever color you desire!!!

Most folks are not aware that Chevrolets (since 55) have NOT always been orange. I've seen yellow and gray, been told ther were others. also. Most of these different colors were in 50's and early 60's...

Pick out the color of gold you'd like the paint the pickup, and paint the engine that color. Hang on to that paint code for the body paint job.

Don't wait too long to paint the body. Rules are changing rapidly about the sales of paint, and paint products (thinners and such). All kids of chenges are happening concerning EPA regulations. Water paint is not an uncommon thing, right now, and might be the only thing soon...although I'm not an authority on all these things, just beware...
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