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Old 03-11-2013, 08:24 PM   #19
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Re: Opinions on Engine Color? Orange or Gold

Holy cow - I'm stunned by the number of responses so far.

First, thanks to all of you. I really appreciate it. Also, thanks for all of the nice things about the truck. I haven't been able to do too much to it since my son was born, but I'm trying to do a little at a time and just enjoy what I have.

So to answer one of the questions, the truck will be "custom" but in the poor-man's sense of the word - no "67 cheby" build for me. (that truck is gorgeous though). I'm looking for mostly original - I don't want to lose all the character of an old truck by making it handle like a 2013 model, but I do plan to lower it a bit (4/6 drop maybe), add disc brakes, maybe a retofit AC to eliminate the giant heater box in the engine compartment, relocate the gas tank just to shut my wife up, and if I ever decide to stop putting things in the bed, maybe a wood bed floor but then it'll just be a show truck at that point.

So, losing the orange won't crush my dreams. I guess I posted up because when I thought of going gold, people looked at me like I said "pink" or "zebra pattern."

As for the exact color, I probably won't have some body color mixed or sprayed - instead it'll be something simple like VHT Gold Metallic. Here's a link: Eastwood also has paint, but it looks like I'd either have to brush it on or get a spray gun. I'm not looking to get that complicated with this.

So when it comes time to paint the truck, I'll just have to be "close enough" because I'm not rattle-canning the whole truck. (By the way, if I didn't mention this earlier, I'm thinking the truck will be either all gold metallic, or a gold and ivory two-tone.

Anyway, I just want to say again that I really appreciate the feedback. Now I'm leaning back to the gold. Whatever I decide to do, I'll definitely post up the results.

(BTW, I'm not really considering painting the engine black. I want to be able to see when the engine's leaking, plus I like the idea of a little "pop" under the hood.)
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