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Old 03-12-2013, 08:54 AM   #7
Cluster King
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Re: I have engine #'s but still can't nail down exact dates. What is this thing!?

The casting number won't tell you a whole lot. 3970010 is the most common small block casting number there is. It could be a 327 with that number or like mine is a 1978 350.

The number that tells you what the engine actually was built for is the numbers stamped on the passenger deck on the front side.

I am also looking for this information for my engine.

The date code will be on the back of the block near the casting number like shown in the photo above but all that will tell you is the day/month/year the block was cast.

Just an extra note, a compression test won't help you determine compression ratio but it will tell you if the rings and valves are seating well.
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