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Old 03-13-2013, 06:37 AM   #529
C/10 junkie
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Stockton Ca
Posts: 9,094
Re: Project "Just an Old Truck"

Buck you are doing fine. How many of these trucks have you built? I am on my second and I can tell you this, I have learned a lot from my first but am still doing stuff a second time on my 68 that I have now. Sometimes it takes multiple attempts to get it corrected to the way we want it. I have replaced my drop springs twice with little change in drop. I am about to change my rear blocks to essentially achieve a 1/2'" differance in drop My first truck was a 72 leaf spring truck so I learned about how lower the rear with leaf springs but the front was just springs and spindles. Now my 68 is a whole lot more work, I have already completely rebuilt the front end and I to will probably go with some tubalur control arms I guess what I am trying to say is your are far from alone in this situation. Just keep coming back here and venting with us and we will share your pain and let you know that everything is gonna be fine. Remember it will be well worth it once its finished......oh wait then you'll have to buy another because the sickness does not stop at just one

70 LWB C10 current driver/project
68 SWB C10 Work in progress.....SOLD
72 LWB C10 Sold
71 LWB C10 Sold
68 LWB C10 CST Sold

My mom always had the best advice. It was just a tad late. After a fall that involved blood, she'd say....."Careful!"
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