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Old 03-13-2013, 04:23 PM   #7
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Re: Rochester B bowl gasket mystery

Originally Posted by 1963c-10 View Post
Rochester show it as a 67-72 6 cyl carb, which would be the 250 or 292. I have the same carb on my 63 230. My carb came from Holley remanufactured. The gasket that came with the rebuild kit (the one on the right), is the gasket that is in my carb. Now...keep in mind that the throttle bases are interchangeable on alot of the carbs. I would also suggest finding the #'s on the carb itself and I can run those for you. Odds are you have a 67-72 6cyl carb and was rebuilt with an earlier 1bbl carb kit. You should be able to place the gasket on the bowl and see if the holes line up though.
I was looking for casting numbers on the air horn and bowl. Saw some 2 digit numbers, but will double check. I know a PO played with it at one point because it had 4 different size bolts holding the air horn to the bowl. During the rebuild, I tapped them all to the same size and thread.

UltraHD4me - is it similar to this ... ... because that would be a great post
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