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Old 11-12-2003, 10:23 PM   #16
swervin ervin
You get what you pay for
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Cherryville, NC
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6 K huh. Now the picture is getting clearer. I thought this may be the case, but now I know for sure where you went wrong. You went over board. It's something real easy to do and hard to stop. From my remembering, you were much more satisfied with the truck when you had the 355 in it. Now that you have the killer engine in there, there is more you need to do to be able to fully enjoy it.

Hey, it's a never ending process when you start modding any vehicle. Every thing you do, requires you to do something else to get the full potential out of it. How do you think us dummies end up with 20 to 25 grand in these things? It's like an addiction. Short and simple. An addiction.

A little tidbit about me. Long ago, very long ago now. Back when I was in my early 20's, I had the fever just as bad as it is now. Only thing was then, I was stupid. You folks will probably not believe this and I don't sometimes, but I married the first time when I was 17. Yes, 17. See I said I was stupid. Anyway, my first son was born when I was only 18. Talk about having to grow up in a hurry.

I wanted to have fast cars too. But it was something that wasn't in the cards. I had no money for living, much less hotrods. I tried but it was not worth the effort. I finally gave up on the dreams I had. Until, just a fews years ago, I decided to once again get back into my long lost hobby of modding on vehicles. It just so happened my poor truck was the vehicle.

So the moral of this story is put it on the back burner. Don't ever totally forget about it. One day when you are financially able, you can do it again, and even better. Right now the most important thing in your life is your degree and getting a good job. All this crap with trucks is just a benefit of life. It's not your life and shouldn't be. This stuff is for playing and fun stuff. Life is the real thing you should be concerned with.

Good luck on everything. I hope it goes the way you want it to.

1985 Chevy C-10
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