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Old 03-14-2013, 07:52 PM   #2
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Re: Advice needed on Transfer case upgrade

any early 70's light duty IHC (inc scouts) and dodges used a right hand drop independent 205. the dodge has weird yokes though. one should be able to take a r/hand drop from a married unit and gut it and put in everything from a left hand drop ford independent 205. it is just the case that is different. I would do a little research on that if you can't find a complete one. I know where there is an IHC one but it is a little ways from you
I have one of those caps that you need. I have a T221 with a toothache that I am going to take apart. UI am taking it apart for someone else here who needs some pieces. I may be able to help you if he doesn't need what you do.
sounds like your bearings wore out and the the shaft backed into that rear cap


Last edited by padresag; 03-14-2013 at 08:00 PM.
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