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Old 03-15-2013, 12:16 PM   #14
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Re: 20 mpg hijack thread

You have to check the weights of the wheels AND the tires when you shop around because they vary all over the place. Most companies will list it for you.

I weigh all my stuff just because I'm a bit finatical that way.

The factory 16.5 steel wheels on my 1 ton, along with a stock size 9.5x16.5 Firestone 10 ply tire that I run, weigh 70 lbs. a piece!!! That's an extremely heavy wheel/tire combo. These factory steel wheels are so thick that your standard wheel weights won't simply tap onto the lip of the wheel. These are stout wheels for a steel rim.

I could put just about any aluminum wheel on this truck and probably save 10 lbs per wheel,,,,that's a huge savings in unsprung weight Not just for gas mileage and accelerations purposes, but lighter wheels also help braking as well. Just something to think about....

I had even contemplated going with the factory GM forged aluminum wheels found on the 3/4 tons circa 2001-2005's to save some weight and at the same time I'd have a 16" wheel with more tire choices (gets rid of 2 problems at once). But I just can't get over the look of the modern wheels on an older truck.
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