Thread: Garage/Shops
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Old 11-13-2003, 09:39 AM   #19
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My shed is 30x32. Unheated. It is unheated because I didn't build it. If I was pouring a slab I'd put the plumbing in the concrete for radiant heat then decide later if I was going to use it or not. If you go with radiant heat you can do a water heater, house boiler, or outside wood boiler. If you paint and want to paint all winter the outside wood boiler would be the way to go. The cumbustion is completely outside the building so you don't have to worry about any fire hazard with your heat source.

I met the guy who built my shed. He was offended when I said it is too small. I could use another 24' or three more parking spaces.

The attached picture was taken right after I moved in. It is cleaned up quite a bit since then. I can actually park my truck inside these days. Probably the first time my truck has ever been in a garage.

Not shown in the picture is the 6-foot overhang outside the building. It is 6x32. It is on the south side of the building so it is protected from the NW winds. When I first looked at the place I thought it was stupid. Now that I've been there 5 months I'm glad I have it. That might be something to consider if you are building a new "garage".
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'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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