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Old 03-16-2013, 02:17 PM   #19
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Re: Father/son builds: Here's a great Easter present for your kid

Originally Posted by midniteblues View Post
take this quote too heart

I think whats even more important that buying tools for kids is teaching them that when they are done with them TO PUT THEM BACK WHERE THEY BELONG!

I've driven 45mi. back an forth one time with a couple of my tools resting nicely on my rear bumper on my s10 because SOMEBODY is always in too much of a hurry to not put them away!

I've found my tools laying scatterd in the middled of main street a half a block down the street BECAUSE SOMEBODY IS ALLWAYS IN A HURRY AND DONT PUT THEM AWAY!

I've found my tools peeking through the mud in the yard because SOMEBODY IS IN TOO MUCH OF A HURRY TO NOT PUT THEM AWAY!

I've spent countless hours trying too fix something and cant find my own TOOLS BECAUSE SOMEBODY IS IN TOO MUCH OF A HURRY TOO NOT PUT THEM AWAY!

I think its great to buy tools for kids but they really need the responsability to use and care for them.

I started to buy somebody crafstman tools once and told him that as long as they dont get lost or stolen you can have them for the rest of your life....I dont believe he has one peice of those sets anymore.

i took his keys too the garge from him one day after i came home an all of my garage doors were wide open with nobody around a short text later reveiled he was 40 mi. away with a girl and FORGOT to close the doors!

take his reply too this thread he bought the stanleys for himself and still dont know where they are and he dont understand why I dont want ANYBODY in my garage without me being there anybody can/will pocket shop my tools


oh an lets not forget about that space between the grill and rad on his 67 i bet if i went an popped the hood and looked i could find some of my tools there

sorry for the rant on your awesome thread mr b but i think the responsability of tools is more important than owning them
I feel your pain, sir. My son has ADHD, so this sort of thing is a real issue. I'm trying to work on my parenting skills a bit with this, and rather than have him put me in the role of a nag, I want there to be consequences. I think far too often, these kids just do what they want, get nagged at by their parents for the 50th time, and as long as they can just weather the nag storm for 5 minutes, they go on their way and do it again. I read a quote. It said "children will learn to require as many reminders as we give them". So, I think taking the kid's vehicle/cell phone/computer away for a day while he thinks about leaving your tools out again is in order. "Oh, you were expecting to be paid for mowing the lawn and doing your chores today? Nope. I'm keeping the money, and you're going with me to the store to get me a new tool, so you can see how expensive this stuff is." "You thought leaving my garage door open while you went out with a girl was smart? This weekend, you'll spend helping me clean the garage".

Anyway, easier said than done, but this is the approach I'm unfortunately going to have to take
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