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Old 03-17-2013, 08:50 AM   #5
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Posts: 18
Re: 1964 power steering

I apprecaite the shout out on this. I've still got the brackets and all from the donor 81' the issue with those parts are that they are from an integral head design, and with my 230, they won't work, mostly due to the water pump being different. I'm going to walk away from this for a few days and do some more checking on the options, and see what the Cap'n has and how it works, and maybe that will be the way to go.Have a road trip planned for next month, and am hoping to get this all worked out soon so I can take the truck and head out down to Florida for a few weeks, but want to put a few miles on it before I take off cross country and make sure the kinks are gone. Thanks again.
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