Originally Posted by southern parts
eddie wickward- it may take me a day or two to get a total for you.
fattback- this truck had the wrong setup on it (long water pump) $10 plus shipping if you want those brackets. I also have the correct setup (short water pump) $50 plus shipping.
my1st69- not sure i understand what your looking for, can you post a pic of the part or where it goes?
jjzepplin- i have some like chevelle and camaro use 1" on the column side, 3/4" on the sector side. $35 plus shipping
rcm1958- i only have the bag, no handle or lug wrench.
I need 3/4" on the sector side(spline) not sure what you mean by 1" column side. They are not like our trucks? Show a pic if you can. Interested! I can always modify it ...