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Old 03-18-2013, 10:59 AM   #13
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Location: Medford, Oregon
Posts: 139
Re: 1974 Alyeska yellow trucks

So I'm in Prudhoe Bay and I get a Chevy truck to drive, this truck is a real piece of crap, I mean it should have been put out to pasture miles ago. The temps are about -45 and I have to go to my shop, so I bundle up head out of the hotel and look at my truck that I had left running the night before, the windows are black. I open the door and flames from the burning dash leap out of the door, so I shut the door, walk back into the hotel and after a couple of minutes I ask for a fire extinguisher, mind you I'm in no real hurry to put this fire out, this truck should have been burnt down miles and miles ago. I put the fire out, call the shop to tell them their truck has burnt up and I need a replacement. The mechanic shows up with another truck looks at the one I just put the fire out in and says, "We'll have this truck fixed in no time", anyway, the truck he gave me lasted about 3 weeks before it also caught fire.
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