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Old 03-18-2013, 11:58 AM   #1
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Need some help with wiring on my 87 R10

Hey guys, need some help here. I am in the middle of a motor swap and even though i thought i was very meticulous with lableing wires, i forgot to label 3 of them. I thought i knew what they were but i am just not sure anymore. I have attached a picture of one connector and the other 2 are single female spade connectors. I will add pictures of those this evening. I thought the pictured connector was for the oil pressure sending unit but here is the catch. Are there 2 oil pressure sending units needed? My truck has an oil pressure gauge but when i looked up the sensor for the plug below, it states that it is used for trucks with an oil pressure light. Wasnt sure if trucks normally had a light and a gauge or just 1 of the 2.

One of the female spade connectors has a long lead that runs back up behind the brake booster.

The other spade connector comes out of the main harness along the firewall and is relatively short. It comes out of the loom with the O2 sensor wire. I will get pictures up of these tonight.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!
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