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Old 03-18-2013, 12:13 PM   #13
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Re: What makes the true value of a truck

Like has been said already: Its only what someone is willing to pay for it. Now with that being said, If you own a restored original, muscle/street, or hotrod modded model in our trucks, you best bet is to go have it Officially Appraised by a Reputable Dealer. Once I got mine finished, I had to have mine Appraised due to repair/replace cost being WAY over standard cost of our trucks. My insurer wanted an official estimate of replacement cost if totaled.....which in my case was $32,500. This is what they expected to get for it at a classics/muscle/street/hotrod auction.
The best I can advise for any buyer is figure what your gonna have to invest in a truck before buying. Then see if you can re-coupe that amount or at least live with it when done.
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