-take time to fit your "filler" panels ... don't try to fill gaps with the welder
- weld in small increments ... spot weld and then move to another area ... keeps the heat out of the metal and helps cut down warpage
- do the same thing when grinding the welds down ... if the girnd area starts to turn colors (blue-black-purple) you are grinding too much too fast ... move to another area
- spread filler
- drink beer (allows time for filler to dry)
- block sand
- put on filler
- drink another beer (see above note)
- block sand
- put on more filler
- drink a beer
- block sand
- put on more filler
- so forth and so on until area is as flat as desired
Hope this helps ... the welding and grinding are just the beginning ... its the block sanding that makes all the difference.