Originally Posted by Woogeroo
60-66 FAQ Index
NOTE: if this link changes, the FAQ is maintained as a sticky at the top of the 60-66 message board.
The 60-66 FAQ index currently has three sections:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
In January 2013, the FAQ was revamped and reformatted.
If you have not reviewed this document since then, please review the entire thing to get a feel for the layout.
See the outline at the top of Section 1 for which section has what... it is a good guideline!
for your specific question, see...
look in : Section 2
underneath Electrical Threads
May or may not help... but it is a start.
also see this tech article here on Mad Electrical.com
Thanks! I've looked it over. I'll be getting an internally regulated alternator soon.