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Old 03-19-2013, 02:06 PM   #3
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Location: Grants Pass, OR
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Re: Value Estimates of a 1963 C10

pics would help. However, there are a lot of factors.

I'd say a truck in rust free daily driver condition would likely be somewhere in the 5-10K range. A truck in say average show quality would likely fetch 10-20k. Finally a truck in High end restoration or what I would call "museum" quality will generally fetch somewhere north of 20K

When inspecting the truck look at the typical rust areas for rust or "rust camouflage". Bring a magnet with you to check for thick bondo. Some people object to sticking magnets to their paint possibly scratching so what I have is a magnet that came off one of those extendable arms for picking up dropped screws in the engine compartment and I covered it with a piece of cotton off an old T-shirt. Thin enough to not cause any problems but thick enough to prevent any scratches. Check the hinge areas of the hood. The areas around all the wheel wells. Kick panel areas. bottoms of the doors. Floors.

If possible, get underneath and look at the frame, make sure that its straight and doesnt look like its been hit and straightened. Check the gaps on the body panels. If there is some that are too close compared to others (or too far) if may indicate damage that was not repaired correctly. (or just sloppy repair work)

finally no matter what anyone says, a truck is only worth what YOU want to pay for it. My Panel is not even to the point of finishing the body work, drive train is still in pieces, firewall is gone, floors are cut up, and yet to me, its worth every penny I've paid. My family, friends, and neighbors all think I'm nuts to be sinking so much into "a rolling piece of junk" (in their words). Cant explain it, but I love it and its my money and time. So I'm the only one who can truly put a price on it.
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