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Old 03-19-2013, 02:15 PM   #1
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Electronic Dist Questions.

Any recommendations on electronic distributors? I need to replace the heads on the 69 (hoping that is all it needs) but while I have to pull everything figured this would be the time to do an electronic ignition upgrade. I just want to make sure I purchase something reliable. I usually use all MSD products and have never had any problems, but didn't know if there was a brand anybody preferred out there.

I also want to run some shorty headers that are the same style as the rams horns if they will seal well. My experience with headers is that unless you go all out on a thick flange setup they always loosen up and leak, but I want something that makes the engine look a little better is all. The appeal of some of the shorty rams horn style headers I have seen is they are not a continuous flange against the head, but each port bolts up by itself like the original manifolds. Didn't know if anybody had some that where great, or if I should just replace them with some new manifolds.

Thanks again everyone, this forum has been really helpful with all my questions.
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