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Old 11-14-2003, 12:06 AM   #13
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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Originally posted by Class of 69
Shuttermutt....I thought I read you had a HEI in there already!!! Points need to be replaced, and dwell set...that's all it needs. I would change them first to make sure it takes care of the problem before you change out the distr.
Nope, no HEI yet. I did change the points, condenser, cap, wires, plugs, and rotor a couple of weeks before this problem came up. I've already pulled the old distributor and the new HEI is stabbed, but...


Guess who forgot to pick up a blade connector to hook up to the coil? C'mon... you know the answer! It's ME!

So, I'm about 90% there on swapping in the HEI unit. I also picked up some proper vacuum caps to plug everything up right. To top it all off, I've also got a buddy's compression test rig borrowed (mine's broke).

I give the new distributor a 40% chance of taking care of the problem. If that doesn't do it (and even if it does), I'll run the compression test. If that comes up okay, I'll be opening up the timing cover.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, gang!
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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