I work a lot of OT when I need some extra $, about 28 hours this week

but now i'm too tired to work on my project
I always put a $ amount on my projects, Thats why I'm painting the frame with rustoleom instead of epoxy or powder coat. Thats why the frame notch only cost me a few welding rods and some scrap metal (not rusty crap metal, new left over peices). It always works out better if you plan as much a you can to stay within a budget and pick and choose what areas are most important to you. Places I dont go cheap on is brakes, steering and suspension.
As far as the wife goes, any time she sees UPS drop something at the door she asks "what are we building, a mail order truck" I then gracefully point at the $3500 couch she's sitting on (I could have just put the old bench seat out of my truck in front of the TV) and the $5000 dinning room table we use once a year (how about some blocks and a sheet of 4x8 plywood) . Then I ask her would you like a tour of the rest of the house?
But all kidding aside, she's great about all my craziness.