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Old 03-22-2013, 02:01 AM   #25
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Re: Go buy a fire extinguisher! DO IT!

I guess if there an old thread to resurrect, this would be a good one. Gives me the willies reading it. When a teenager, a friend and I were working on my Pontiac Sunbird we street raced in my parents garage, just finnished adjusting the Holly 750 and spilled some gas on the intake so my friend soaked it up with a rag and tossed it on the floor to his side. Started the engine and let it run a few seconds till I noticed the carb puking gas again. It popped out the open headers before I got it shut down and flames rose from everywhere. Couldn't push the car out of the garage because and old school shop lift was wedged under the front so I decided to try to smother the flames with a towel. Well wont ya know the one I grabbed in my panic was the one my buddy soaked up the gas with ! About that time me dad seen an odd glow coming from the garage so he came outside to see what was up. He turned around and went back to the house as I'm freekin out yellin to him to help us. He comes back out with mom's baking soda and poured it all over the engine compartment like it's no big deal, flames gone. He wasn't fazed in the least bit but my friend and I were so hopped up by then we didn't stop shaking for an hour lol. Dad bought fire extinguisers for the garage that week and from that day on never once have I done any carb adjustments inside a garage. If it burns to the ground outside it's no big deal. I got REAL lucky the garage didn't burn down.

About 8 years later dad did the same thing with my mother's '67 Dodge Dart GTS 383 lmao. You'd think he would have learned from my mistake
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