Thread: Seat Conversion
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Old 03-22-2013, 01:54 PM   #4
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Re: Seat Conversion

Pretty much, but I would start by orientating you cut down bench on a work table just like it would sit in your truck.

Then orientate the H2 seat to the position you would like to be in when driving. Including final drive height. H2 seats are about 4 inches thick, and factory bench about 7 inches thick. Now take a level and mark the brackets so you can cut them. Set your newly cut seat upon you seat base frame, and tack the front section down. If you want your seat to still have the lean forward option weld the old brackets onto the front cutting the assembly down again to match. Then you'll likely need to fab cross braces for the rear mounting.

Either way the main point is to orientate the seat to your trucks position so you can make the cuts properly.

Also I intend to add a bit more recline to mine, and keep the fold action so I can use my under seat storage more effectively.
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